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Cocktails, Tips & Trends

Date Night In – Ideas During Quarantine

Being stuck at home doesn’t mean that Date Nights have to be on hold, here are some easy and fun ideas to plan your Date Night In During Quarantine!

Go on a Picnic in the Backyard

Make some sandwiches and a fun cocktail, spread a blanket out in the backyard and enjoy a fun afternoon out in the sunshine.

Sodastream Cocktail: Use your Sodastream for an easy sparkling cocktail. No more running to the store for bottles of seltzer to make your favorite cocktails, use SodaStream’s Aqua Fizz to turn your regular tap water to sparkling water in seconds. Bonus: Every family saves over 3,070 plastic bottles and cans from landfills. SodaStream Aqua Fizz, $159.99

Sparkling Lemon Drop Martini


  • 1 ½ shots of lemon juice, freshly squeezed
  • Pinch of sugar
  • 1 lemon, to garnish
  • 2 shots of sparkling water
  • Optional: 2 shots of lemon vodka


  • Prepare the sparkling water: Fizz 1 bottle of cold water
  • Add (optional: lemon vodka), lemon juice, sugar, and sparkling water into a shaker, over ice and shake for 15 sec
  • Pour into a glass with or without ice, and top up with extra sparkling water if required
  • Garnish with a lemon slice. Tip: add sugar to the rim for something a little sweeter

Homemade Pizza or Chocolate Fondue Night

Make your perfect pizza together or melt some chocolate fondue for dessert to treat yourself to a night of cooking and dining together. Here is an easy pizza dough recipe from The Kitchn if you are feeling adventurous and want to try making your own. If not, store bought pizza shells work just fine. Just set out all the topping options and make your ideal pizza.

Safety Tip:  Make sure to keep your hands clean and wash or use hand sanitizer after touching all the packaging. Tip: If you are still on the hunt for hand sanitizer, Demeter Fragrance is now producing hand sanitizer to help combat the nationwide shortage. In addition to hand sanitizers, Demeter Fragrances also offers over 300 fragrances. $6.00 for 1 oz. or $12.00 for 3 oz.

Just Breathe: Learn Massage Techniques  

Find a video on youtube to learn some proper techniques for giving a massage. It’s a great way to connect and also a great way to help reduce the stress of the situation.

Jergens Body Butter: Scent is also important to leveling our stress or mood so finish your self-care spa experience with Jergens Lavender body butter. Ultra-hydrating blend of shea, cocoa, mango butters. Jergens, $5.59

Watch a Sports Game Together on Youtube

Put on your team spirit shirts and hats. Eat nachos and hot dogs and re-watch one of your favorite games together.

Video Game Night:

Challenge each other to a carefree video game night and just put all the worry and responsibility aside. Enjoy being silly! Try a blast from the past of classic games with the Atari Flashback, $48.95

Write out the story of how you fell in love – or even better – video it!

Your kids will love to have your story documented for the future and it’s fun to go down memory lane and read or watch years down the road. Plus, it’s a perfect time to recount what we are grateful for in life and in each other right now so take a little time to reconnect and remember all the details from your journey together. Our Love Story Journal, $11.99




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  • Tricia Kent May 7, 2020 at 7:26 am

    Thanks so much for including Demeter and their hand sanitizers!


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