Dorm Decor: Small Space – Big Solutions!
Wondering how to give your dorm room some personality and make the most of your small space? I have some simple solutions to get you started off on the right foot this year!
The Daily Buzz – Dorm Decor: Small Space – Big Solutions! (5am)
The Daily Buzz – Dorm Decor: Small Space – Big Solutions! (6am)
FOX 35 – Dorm Decor: Small Space – Big Solutions!
One Stop Shopping Solutions: We all have busy lives and it can be a stressful time so I love options where you can go and find almost everything needed in one or two places. Here are two of my favorites: Bed, Bath and Beyond – They offer some helpful planning and packing solutions that are great!
- Dorm Checklist – They have checklists of what each University allows and doesn’t allow in the dorm rooms so you can pick one up and check things off as you shop. Also helps with those dreaded questions like “Can I have a microwave in my room?” The checklist tells you all the dos and don’ts
- Pack and Hold Program – Buy Locally and Pick up Near your School. This is one of the best and most helpful solutions I’ve found. Instead of having to pack it all in your car and drive it up, now you can shop near your home and then pick up your order near your University!
- Stylish and affordable Solutions – Target always is right on trend so I love their array of stylish and affordable solutions. Who says you have to sacrifice personality and style because you are on a budget. No way! Head to target and design away!
Small Space – Big Solutions!
The Basics: The key to making your room a “home” is warming it up and being surrounded by things that you love and make you happy so here are some basics to get you started:
- Bedding – Comforter / Sheets / Pillow / Mattress Pad / Egg Crate. Most of us have experienced that the mattresses in dorms aren’t generally that comfy so make sure you add layers to make it feel as close to home as possible. My Dad always called me “Princess and the Pea” because I would stack at least three egg crates on my mattress to make it feel like a cloud instead of a board!
- Rug – This will not only help absorb sound and reduce the echo factor of your room but also help add color, texture and style to make it feel more like home.
- Décor – Bring in patterns and bright colors to make your room cheerful. Often dorm rooms are just a white box with white walls and white tiles plus manilla colored furniture… Not too exciting so pick some items to really bring your room to life. If you have a blank pallet you might as well use it to create something great!
- Surge Protectors – Love the options that allow the placement of the plugs to move so you can fit large plugs for your electronics and appliances to use all the outlets while keeping your important items protected!
Organization and Double Duty: I love the idea of items serving multiple purposes! It not only saves on space but saves on money so look for ways to use what you bring in several different ways. You want your space to be a cozy and organized space that you want to come back to, not one you want to avoid because it feels overwhelming. These items will help maximize your storage space and keep the clutter of your room to a minimum:
- Bed Risers – Add some height to your bed so you can utilize more room for storage underneath. Storage is always a challenge in small spaces so maximizing your options will help tremendously! There are some great ones at Bed, Bath & Beyond that have the electric plugs built in to help you avoid having to reach under you bed to that back awkward corner – they’re an amazing find!
- Under the Bed Storage Containers – I love the double duty of this because it not only serves as additional storage but you are already packed when you go to move, slide the box out and done!
- Vertical Closet Organizer – Try to get creative with your storage space. A vertical closet organizer saves closet space for other items you may want to store.
- Double Duty! – Extra Seating and Speakers in One! Love this ottoman that doesn’t take up much space but offers additional seating in your room and bluetooths to your music so you don’t have to add an extra sound system in your room. Look for this one at Bed, Bath & Beyond for $99.
- Laundry Hamper that Converts to Laundry Basket – Again another Double Duty Solution that will be so handy and maximizes space. Plus it is soft so you can squeeze it into tight spaces!
Make it Home: Customize! Customize! Customize!
- Removable Wallpaper – Purchase in panels and use to add some color to your walls, bulletin boards or plain dorm furniture to add some life to your room! Best part? You can enjoy it while you live there and then remove it without residue or damage when you leave. The removable wallpaper is super easy to use and I transformed a nightstand to show you just how easy it is to make a big impact in your space! Go for it! Even better, you can get a discount on your order – go to www.chasingpaper.com – use code DBZ (The Daily Buzz) or FOX35 for a 10% discount on your order!
- Wall Decals – Removable Frames, Wipeboards, Artwork An easy way to spice up your room without damaging the walls. The best part – once you’re ready to move out, the decals remove easily without leaving any residue.
Final Tip: Reach out to your new roommate so you can coordinate before you both pack and arrive. Plus it will be nice to have formed the foundation of your relationship before you meet in person for the first time. Here are some tips on what to ask and coordinate:
- Divide and Conquer! You can both add value to your room so see what appliances/supplies they have and plan to bring, so you can divide and conquer and you don’t double up. Remember space is a premium so less is more!
- Dorm room décor! Dorm room decor can get messy if you don’t have a color scheme or design coordinated in advance. Try to coordinate picking two or three colors with your roommate and then stick to that color scheme. That will make your room feel whole and pulled together without appearing scattered and messy and help you love your new home!
What are your favorite Dorm Solutions? I would love to hear them… Please share in the comments below!

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